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Forex Guide Things That Every Beginner Traders Should Know Before They Start Trading in Forex

It's a fact that forex trading became a highly preferable investment method in the last decade. Combined with the internet as a global 24/7 network forex is reachable to everyone. I'll not give you about the basic explanation of forex trading in this article. I'm sure that i don't have to tell what forex trading is. People which familiar or have an interest in an investment know forex already. Don't they?

Forex trading is basically just an investment

As any other investment, there are always benefits and risks beyond forex trading. Many people/organization, especially forex brokers, its affiliate and those who earn their income by providing some forex related services says that forex trading have so much advantages compared to other investments; Forex is easy, with its non-stop 24 hours market, its wide range adjustable leverage, its automated trading platform, its offered better opportunity for income resource, and many more -- you name it as much as you want to...

Blinded by its 'beautiful dream imagination', many small/personal traders, especially for the new ones forgot that forex trading is basically still an investment program. Traders should never have a thought that forex trading is an income resource.

Common Beginner Traders Scenario

Beginner forex traders are usually follow the trend of forex trading without preparing and providing them self with an adequate understanding about what's inside forex trading. Their common scenarios are:

1. Know about forex trading

2. Have an interest in forex trading

3. Looking for an easy and profitable forex services

(Usually by looking for some services with less margin, high leverage, automated trading platform, and less risk? - which is too good to be true)

4. Start gambling with their trades

5. Unable to achieve profits as what their imagination

6. Repeating scenarios 3, 4 and 5

7. Repeating scenarios 3, 4 and 5 again... and again...

8. Realizing that they are losing too much or that their imagination along these days/weeks/months is wrong (i doubt that it would reach years)

9. Give up and quit their trading for good.

Where did they do wrong in above scenario? Is that wrong to always searching for a better service to back up our trade? In my point of view, there are no mistakes in that scenario at all. But it's just incomplete, and that's the most dangerous mistakes made by most beginner traders.

How to Overcome Traders Mistakes and Begin to Make Some Profits in Forex

The facts are, there are just 5% of forex traders which successes with their trading. To become as they are, we should insert step 2.5 in scenario above. This step will simplify above scenarios by eliminating the fourth and eighth and changing ninth step became TRADERS GOAL ACHIEVED.

2.5 Preparing yourself with a solid basic knowledge of forex trading

- Know about the fundamental of forex trading

- Learn about what and how forex market really is

- Train yourself to getting familiar with the technical analysis in forex trading